Expose and Bond

Guiding Impacted Canines Into the Dental Arch

Patients receiving orthodontic treatment to have their teeth straightened may need additional space for unerupted teeth. When impacted canine teeth fail to erupt on the expected timeline, the patient will be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 

At Alfi Oral, Dental Implant & Facial Surgery, we will work closely with your orthodontist to create a customized treatment plan that is right for you. During your consultation appointment we will examine your mouth and take 3D scans of your teeth. We will also discuss your anesthesia options to make sure you are comfortable and relaxed during the procedure. To learn more about impacted canine treatment, contact our office in Houston, TX, and a member of our team will be happy to help you schedule a consultation appointment. 

Complications Caused by Impacted Canines

Unlike wisdom teeth that serve no purpose and can simply be extracted, canine teeth are especially important because they help tear food and guide other teeth into proper alignment. Without surgical intervention, impacted teeth can create serious oral health problems such as: 

  • Red, inflamed, or bleeding gums 
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth 
  • Bad breath 
  • Difficulty or pain when chewing or opening your mouth

Types of Anesthesia

There are a variety of anesthesia and sedation options available at our practice.

Expose and Bond Procedure

Regular dental visits will allow your doctor to detect and track the progress of developing canine teeth. Canine teeth that do not fully erupt into the dental arch and remain trapped underneath the gum are considered to be impacted. When this happens, a patient will be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, like the team at Alfi Oral, Dental Implant & Facial Surgery. Working together with your orthodontist to guide the tooth into the correct position. 

An expose and bond procedure is one of the most effective treatments for impacted canine teeth. During this procedure, your oral surgeon will make an incision into the gum and expose the impacted tooth. They will attach a small bracket and chain that will allow your orthodontist to carefully guide the canine tooth into place.

Impacted Canine Treatment in Houston, TX

Hear From Orthognathic Surgery Patients

These patients can tell you about their firsthand experience undergoing orthognathic surgery at our office.

  • Meet Julie

    Orthognathic Surgery

  • Meet Nazaren

    Orthognathic Surgery

  • Meet Adi

    Dental Implants

  • Meet Alexa

    Orthognathic Surgery

The Leading Oral and Facial Surgery Experts

We are dedicated to serving our patients and community with a higher level of expertise and better clinical outcomes. Experience the difference at Alfi Oral, Dental Implant & Facial Surgery with a team of compassionate experts you can trust.